Thursday, May 13, 2010

Derby museum

At Derby museum I saw a real mummy that was out of it's coffin, it still had teeth, it's finger nails were long, you could see hair on it's head a little bit, it was amazing but gave me the chills. They also had a mummy cat from egypt and you could see a little bit of its head, it died because they snapped its neck wrapped it up and put it in a tiney coffin with some things because they thought it would be nicer on the other side with the living dead, they were a little bit crazy though. They had tons of stuff, an art room with famous paintings and a viking long boat that they found that took up the whole of the room made of a tree trunk they hollowed out. There was an army room that they had army stuff in, there was a statue of a horse. There was a dinosaur bone in a room and I went in a time tunnel and they had examples behind glass of Derby millions of years ago, how it looked from under water to the dinosaurs to today, anyways Derby is a city. They have one exhibit where there are animals who died and got stuffed, moths and big silver bolts where you looked through and pushed a button and it lit up and inside there were exhibits. There were live stick insects too.

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